Sabtu, 09 Oktober 2010

Cheat Engine

January 1st 2008: New year, new site, new Cheat Engine 5.4

Happy 2008!
As you can see the new site is up, and also released version a new version of Cheat Engine(changes)
And always, please report bugs when you encounter them. I refuse to fix them if you don't tell me about them just to annoy you!

My good intention for this year is to try to update Cheat Engine a bit more often(if I get the chance). Anyhow, check out the bugtracker and the SVN for the latest news regarding the development of CE. There is also a wiki in the SVN so if you'd like to read it or contribute: Go here
Also, don't worry about the layout right now. May get some heavy changes in the future, but at least now I've got a better base to start with. (One change edits all pages as compared to the old site where each edit of the style or adition of the menu required editing each single file)

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